Nepal pharmacy council registered pharmacist

 Nepal pharmacy council registered pharmacist

Nepal pharmacy council registered pharmacist
Nepal pharmacy council registered pharmacist


Nepal Pharmacy Council Registered Pharmacist refers to a pharmacist who has successfully completed the necessary educational and professional requirements and has been officially registered with the Nepal Pharmacy Council (NPC). The NPC is the regulatory body in Nepal responsible for overseeing the pharmacy profession and ensuring that pharmacists meet the required standards of education, training, and practice.

Steps to become registeres pharmacists in Nepal

To become a registered pharmacist in Nepal, individuals must typically follow these steps:

  1. Education: Aspiring pharmacists must first complete their higher secondary education (12th grade) with a science background. After that, they need to enroll in a Bachelor of Pharmacy (B.Pharm) program at a recognized university or college. The B.Pharm program generally lasts for four years. Alternatively PCL level pharmacist training can be talen which is 3 years long and is earlier and cheaper but lower degree with less training.

  2. Internship: After completing the B.Pharm degree, graduates are required to undergo a compulsory internship period, which typically lasts for one year. During this internship, they gain practical experience by working in a registered pharmacy under the guidance of a licensed pharmacist.

  3. Registration Examination: Once the internship is successfully completed, aspiring pharmacists must pass the registration examination conducted by the Nepal Pharmacy Council. This exam assesses their knowledge and competency in pharmacy-related subjects.

  4. Registration: After passing the registration examination, the individual can apply for registration with the Nepal Pharmacy Council. Upon approval, they become a "Nepal Pharmacy Council Registered Pharmacist" and are issued a registration certificate.

Roles of registered pharmacists in Nepal

As registered pharmacists, they are granted legal authorization to practice pharmacy within the country. The Nepal Pharmacy Council oversees their professional conduct and continuing education requirements to ensure they stay up-to-date with the latest developments in the field of pharmacy.


Registered pharmacists play a crucial role in the healthcare system. They are responsible for dispensing medications, providing medication counseling to patients, monitoring drug interactions and side effects, collaborating with other healthcare professionals, and ensuring the safe and effective use of medications.

It's essential for registered pharmacists to adhere to the ethical standards and guidelines set by the Nepal Pharmacy Council to maintain the integrity and quality of pharmacy practice in the country. They are also encouraged to pursue further education and training to enhance their skills and knowledge in pharmacy and related areas.


1. Question: What are the eligibility criteria for the Nepal Pharmacy Council registration exam?
Answer: To be eligible for the exam, candidates must have completed a recognized pharmacy education program and have completed a one-year internship in a pharmacy.

2. Question: How many attempts can a candidate make to pass the registration exam?
Answer: Candidates are allowed a maximum of three attempts to pass the registration exam. If they fail after three attempts, they must reapply.

3. Question: What are the documents required for applying for the registration exam?
Answer: Candidates must submit their completed application form, academic certificates, internship completion certificate, character certificate, citizenship certificate, and registration fee receipt along with their application.

4. Question: What are the topics covered in the Nepal Pharmacy Council registration exam?
Answer: The exam covers various topics, including pharmacology, pharmaceutical calculations, medicinal chemistry, pharmaceutics, pharmacognosy, clinical pharmacy, and pharmacy management.Check syllabus in this link.

5. Question: What is the passing percentage for the registration exam?
Answer: Candidates must score a minimum of 50% in each subject and an overall aggregate score of 50% to pass the registration exam conducted by the Nepal Pharmacy


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