Dermatology MCQs with answers

10 high-quality multiple-choice questions (MCQs) in dermatology NHPC

Dermatology MCQs with answers

**Question 1:**

Which of the following skin lesions is characterized by a well-demarcated, erythematous, raised plaque covered with silvery scales?

A) Pityriasis rosea

B) Psoriasis

C) Eczema

D) Seborrheic dermatitis

**Question 2:**

A patient presents with a pruritic rash characterized by linear burrows, small vesicles, and excoriations. Which condition is most likely?

A) Tinea corporis

B) Scabies

C) Atopic dermatitis

D) Contact dermatitis

**Question 3:**

What is the most common type of skin cancer that is often characterized by pearly papules with telangiectasias and central ulceration?

A) Basal cell carcinoma

B) Squamous cell carcinoma

C) Melanoma

D) Kaposi's sarcoma

**Question 4:**

A patient has a painful, grouped eruption of vesicles on an erythematous base along the path of a sensory nerve. Which virus is responsible for this condition?

A) Herpes simplex virus (HSV)

B) Varicella-zoster virus (VZV)

C) Human papillomavirus (HPV)

D) Coxsackievirus

**Question 5:**

Which of the following is the first-line treatment for moderate to severe acne vulgaris?

A) Topical retinoids

B) Oral antibiotics

C) Benzoyl peroxide

D) Oral isotretinoin

**Question 6:**

A patient presents with sudden-onset hives, angioedema, and difficulty breathing. Which type of hypersensitivity reaction is most likely responsible?

A) Type I (IgE-mediated)

B) Type II (cytotoxic)

C) Type III (immune complex-mediated)

D) Type IV (delayed-type)

**Question 7:**

A "herald patch" followed by multiple oval, scaly lesions arranged along skin tension lines is characteristic of which skin condition?

A) Pityriasis rosea

B) Psoriasis

C) Lichen planus

D) Tinea versicolor

**Question 8:**

Which of the following is a chronic autoimmune disorder characterized by depigmented macules and patches on the skin due to loss of melanocytes?

A) Vitiligo

B) Albinism

C) Melasma

D) Tinea versicolor

**Question 9:**

A patient presents with a rapidly evolving, irregularly shaped, multicolored macule with an asymmetric border. This lesion is highly suspicious for:

A) Basal cell carcinoma

B) Seborrheic keratosis

C) Melanoma

D) Squamous cell carcinoma

**Question 10:**

In which of the following skin conditions would you expect to find Auspitz sign upon physical examination?

A) Psoriasis

B) Eczema

C) Pemphigus vulgaris

D) Lichen planus


Please note that these questions are intended for educational purposes and should not replace formal medical education and consultation. Always consult a medical professional for accurate diagnosis and treatment recommendations.

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