What is Eye Flu? How to treat Eye Flu?
Before moving to eye flu also called viral conjunctivitis, lets know what are
the causes of Red eye.
Here is the list of causes of red eye:
- Infection of eyelid (blepheritis)
- Infection of conjunctiva (conjunctivitis)
- Bleeding in conjunctiva (white part)
- Various things may cause this condition
- Episcleritis
- Scleritis
- Iridocuclitis
- Glaucoma
- Corneal (window) abrasion / trauma
- Keratitis (inflammation of cornea)
- Endophthalmitis
- Panophthalmitis
- Orbial cellulitis
- Allergy and irritant exposure
Out of these causes, Viral conjunctivitis is recently spreading in Nepal and
India and has become the topic of discussion.
Now lets talk about eye flu or conjunctivitis.
Conjunctivitis means inflammation of Conjunctiva.
Conjunctival inflammation characterized by hyperemia associated with discharge that may be watery, mucoid, mucopurulent or purulent.
Conjuntivitis can have various symptoms as listed below.
Symptoms of eye infection (conjunctivitis)
- Discomfort in eye
- Foreign body sensation
- Discharge from eye
- Watery
- Mucus like
- Pus like
- Matted sticky eyelids and lid margins
- Difficulty opening eye in morning with discharge and sticky lids
- Blurring of visionBlurring of vision (cannot see well)
- Photophobia (pain or discomfort in light especially bright)
- Colored halos
- आँखामा असहजता
- आँखामा विदेशी बस्तुको अनुभूति
- आँखाबाट बगेको पदार्थ
- पानीजस्तो
- म्युकसजस्तो
- पोजजस्तो (मलजस्तो)
- टाँसिने र चिप्लो पल्क र पल्कका किनारहरू
- बिहान आँखाको पल्क खोल्न गाह्रो हुने, डिस्चार्ज र टाँसिने पल्कसहित
- दृष्टि धमिलो हुने (राम्ररी देख्न नसक्ने)
- प्रकाश–डर (विशेष गरी तेज प्रकाशमा दुखाइ वा असहजता)
- रङ्गिन घेरा (आँखामा रङ्गीन घेरा देखिने)
Signs of Conjunctivitis / Signs of eye flu
- Red conjunctiva , fiery red eye
- Chemosis (swelling of conjunctiva)
- Hemorrhages (small bleeding)
- Flakes of discharge
- Matted or sticky cilia or hair
- Edematous eyelids
What causes red eye, eye flu or conjunctivitis
- Infective
- Bacterial
- Viral
- Fungal
- Chlamydial
- Allergic (Not infection)
- Atopic
- Vernal
- Contact
- Cicatricial (Not infection)
- Pemphigoid
- Toxic or chemical (Not infection)
- Due to harmful irritant chemicals
bacterial vs viral vs allergic conjunctivitis |
- संक्रामक
- ब्याक्टेरियल
- भाइरल
- फंगल
- क्ल्यामाइडियल
- एलर्जिक (संक्रमण होइन)
- एटोपिक
- भर्नल
- सम्पर्कजन्य
- सिक्राट्रिसियल (संक्रमण होइन)
- पेम्फिगोइड
- एसजेएस (स्टीभेन्स-जोन्सन सिन्ड्रोम)
- विषाक्त वा रासायनिक (संक्रमण होइन)
- हानिकारक उत्तेजक रसायनहरूको कारण
Names of the bacteria that can cause eye fly or conjunctivitis?
- S aureus
- S epidermidis
- Strep pneumoniae
- Strep pyogens
- H influenzae
- N gonorrhoeae
- N meningitidis
Names of the viruses that can cause eye fly or conjunctivitis?
- Adenovirus
- Pox virus
- Myxovirus
- Paramyxovirus
- Arbovirus
Causes of eye infection eye flu / Risk factors
- Poor hygiene
- Flies
- Lack of clean water
- Hot climate
- Not handwashing properly
- Close contact with people with innfection without proper care
- Not washing hands and face time to time
- Immune compromised state
- खराब सरसफाइ
- झिंगा
- सफा पानीको अभाव
- तातो मौसम
- हात राम्रोसँग नधुने
- संक्रमण भएका व्यक्तिहरूसँग उचित हेरचाह बिना नजिकको सम्पर्क
- समय समयमा हात र मुख नधुने
- कमजोर प्रतिरक्षा अवस्था
How to know bacterial vs viral vs allergic conjunctivitis
Bacterial | Viral | Allergic | |
Systemic symptoms. | Usually none. | May be part of a viral prodrome followed by adenopathy, fever, pharyngitis, and upper respiratory tract infection. There may be an enlarged and tender preauricular node. | Nasal congestion, sneezing, wheezing. |
Itching. | Limited to none. |
Limited to none. Primary complaint is grittiness, burning or irritation. | Primary complaint. May also report grittiness, burning, or irritation. |
Ocular discharge. | Purulent, may be yellow, white, or green. Recurs at lid margins and corners of the eye within minutes of wiping lids. | Watery with strands of mucus. | Watery. |
Conjunctival appearance. | Pink or red. | Pink or red. Very rarely hemorrhagic. Tarsal conjunctiva may have a follicular or "bumpy" appearance. | Pink. Bulbar conjunctiva may be chemotic (puffy). Tarsal conjunctiva may have a follicular or "bumpy" appearance. |
Treatment of Viral Conjunctivitis / EYE FLU without discharge
- Self-limiting course of 5-7 days
- No specific effective curative treatment is known.
- Antibiotics not required in most cases
- Broad spectrum antibiotic eye drops to prevent secondary bacterial infections. (with doctor consultation only)
Treatment of bacteria Conjunctivitis / EYE FLU with discharge
- Antibiotics drops
- Irrigation with saline or water twice daily (do not wash too often)
- Topical or systemic painkillers like ibuprofen or paracetamol
- Dark goggles help with photophobia and irritation but will not prevent transmission
- Do not apply bandage
- Do not compress
- Do not use steroid drops or systemic steroids
- एन्टिबायोटिक ड्रप्स
- दिनमा दुईपटक नुनिलो पानी वा सफा पानीले धोइपखाल्ने (धेरै पटक नधुने)
- टोपिकल वा प्रणालीगत दुखाइ कम गर्ने औषधि, जस्तै आइबुप्रोफेन वा प्यारासिटामोल
- फोटोफोबिया र जलनका लागि कालो गगल्स लगाउन मद्दत गर्छ तर संक्रमण फैलिन रोक्दैन
- पट्टी नलगाउनुहोस्
- दबाब नदिनुहोस्
- स्टेरोइड ड्रप्स वा प्रणालीगत स्टेरोइड प्रयोग नगर्नुहोस्
Eye Flu home treatment
Avoid topical corticosteroids and topical NSAIDS – Ophthalmic corticosteroids (alone or in combination preparations) should not be prescribed by primary care clinicians for acute conjunctivitis; they can cause sight-threatening complications when used inappropriately. Ketorolac should not be used to treat allergic conjunctivitis. Topical NSAIDS (nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) are associated with corneal adverse effect in susceptible patients. (See 'No role for corticosteroid use' above and 'Allergic' above.)
- टोपिकल कोर्टिकोस्टेरोइड्स र टोपिकल एनएसएआईडीएस प्रयोग नगर्नुहोस् – प्राथमिक हेरचाह गर्ने चिकित्सकहरूले आँखा रातो हुने (एक्यूट कन्जङ्क्टिभाइटिस) को उपचारका लागि आँखा कोर्टिकोस्टेरोइड्स (एक्लै वा संयोजनमा) प्रयोग गर्न सिफारिस गर्नु हुँदैन। यसलाई अनुपयुक्त रूपमा प्रयोग गर्दा दृष्टी गुमाउने जोखिमपूर्ण समस्या हुन सक्छ।
- एलर्जिक कन्जङ्क्टिभाइटिसको उपचारका लागि केटोरोलेक प्रयोग गर्नु हुँदैन।
- टोपिकल एनएसएआईडीएस (ननस्टेरोइडल एन्टी-इन्फ्लेमेटरी ड्रग्स) संवेदनशील बिरामीहरूमा आँखाको कोर्निया सम्बन्धी समस्या उत्पन्न गराउन सक्छ।
("कोर्टिकोस्टेरोइड्स प्रयोगको कुनै भूमिका छैन" र "एलर्जिक" माथिको चर्चा हेर्नुहोस्।)
Infection control and return to work or school
Bacterial and viral conjunctivitis are highly contagious. Advise patients to limit spread by avoiding direct contact with secretions or contaminated objects (eg, makeup, contact lenses). (See 'Preventing contagion' above and 'Returning to work, school, or sports' above.)
For bacterial conjunctivitis, postpone return to school or work until 24 hours of treatment and resolution of discharge.
Patients with viral conjunctivitis may remain infectious for a variable period related to the underlying viral syndrome; return to activities is individualized.
- What causes pink eyes?
It is inflammation of eye and conjuntiva usually caused by infections, including bacteria and viruses.
It may also be caused by allergy, irritants and trauma as well. - How can you tell it's infection?
Generally bacterial infection will lead to thick discharge while viral infection leads to watery discharge. - How to prevent spreading to family and friends?
Staying separate, washing hands often and not touching face helps. Do not share personal belongings and clean things that are touched often with detergents, or disinfectants.
- How to allivate symptoms/irritation?
Washing twice daily with water helps. Other tips include artificial tears, dark-goggles, warm compressions. Be careful not to overdo and consult doctor if symptoms are bothersome. - Is antibiotics necessary?
It depends if infection is bacterial or viral. Bacterial infection needs antibiotics where as vireal infection doesn't need antibiotic.
Consult a doctor to know if its bacterial or viral infection. - Can i wash my eyes often?
No. Do not wash your eyes too often. This may lead to irritation and further injury. Wash twice daily and use artificial tears if necessary.
आँखा रातो हुनुका सामान्य प्रश्नहरू
आँखा रातो हुनुको कारण के हो?
आँखा रातो हुनु (कन्जङ्क्टिभाइटिस) भनेको आँखा र कन्जङ्क्टिभाको सुजन हो। यो प्रायः ब्याक्टेरिया र भाइरस जस्ता संक्रमणको कारणले हुन्छ। यसका अन्य कारणमा एलर्जी, उत्तेजक पदार्थ, र चोटपटक पनि समावेश छन्।
यो संक्रमण हो भनेर कसरी चिन्ने?
- ब्याक्टेरियल संक्रमण: बाक्लो डिस्चार्ज हुने गर्दछ।
- भाइरल संक्रमण: प्रायः पानीजस्तो डिस्चार्ज हुन्छ।
परिवार र साथीहरूमा फैलिन रोक्न कसरी गर्ने?
- अरू व्यक्तिबाट छुट्टै बस्ने।
- पटक–पटक हात धुने र अनुहार नछुने।
- व्यक्तिगत सामग्री जस्तै तौलिया वा सिरक बाँडेर प्रयोग नगर्ने।
- प्रायः छोइने सामग्रीहरू डिटर्जेन्ट वा कीटाणुनाशकले सफा गर्ने।
लक्षण र जलन कसरी कम गर्ने?
- दिनमा दुई पटक सफा पानीले आँखा धुने।
- कृत्रिम आँसु (आर्टिफिसियल टियर्स) प्रयोग गर्ने।
- प्रकाश–संवेदनशीलता र जलन कम गर्न गाढा चस्मा लगाउने।
- न्यानो कपडाले हल्का कम्प्रेस गर्ने।
- यस्ता उपायहरू धेरै नगर्ने र लक्षण गम्भीर भएमा डाक्टरको परामर्श लिने।
के एन्टिबायोटिक आवश्यक छ?
- ब्याक्टेरियल संक्रमणका लागि एन्टिबायोटिक चाहिन्छ तर भाइरल संक्रमणका लागि आवश्यक हुँदैन।
- संक्रमण ब्याक्टेरियल हो वा भाइरल, थाहा पाउन डाक्टरको परामर्श लिनुहोस्।
के बारम्बार आँखा धुन सकिन्छ?
होइन, बारम्बार आँखा धुँदा जलन वा थप चोटपटक हुन सक्छ। दिनमा दुई पटक मात्र आँखा धुनुहोस् र आवश्यक परेमा कृत्रिम आँसु प्रयोग गर्नुहोस्।
What is your say on this?