Snakebite Management Protocol Nepal 2023 PDF

(PDF) Snakebite Management Protocol Nepal 2023 Pdf download is here. 

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Snakebite Management Protocol Nepal 2023 PDF


Snakebite is major public health concern here in Nepal especially in Terai region and in summer.

This is a major challange and governmanet of Nepal has made a protocol to deal with snake bite.

Government of Nepal Provides Anti Snake-Venom for free in the specialized settings of Nepal. 

Here is the Pdf of the protocol for Snakebite management in Nepal.

Snakebite is recently decided to be included in NTDs list by WHO.

Please go through the Protocoland LEAVE A COMMENT TO ENCOURAGE ME.

Snakebite Protocol

Here is a powerpoint presentation on bites and stings

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