TINEA FACIEI: Bad-looking itch on your face Diagnosis!

TINEA FACIEI - Cause of bad looking itch on face

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TINEA FACIEI - Cause of bad looking itch on face
TINEA FACIEI - Cause of bad looking itch on face courtesy of logical images inc

What is tinea faciei?

It is infection of face with a dermatophyte fungus. It does not include infection of beard and moustache area, which is called tinea barbae. Tinea faciei is uncommon and often misdiagnosed at first.

What causes tinea faciei?

Tinea faciei can be due to an anthropophilic (human) fungus such as Trichophyton rubrum (T rubrum). Infection often comes from the feet (tinea pedis) or nails (tinea unguium) originally. Zoophilic (animal) fungi such as Microsporum canis (M canis) is acquired from cats and dogs, and T verrucosum, from farm cattle, are also common.

How is tinea faciei diagnosed?

Tinea faciei resembles tinea corporis (ringworm). It may be acute (sudden onset and rapid spread) or chronic (slow extension of a mild, barely inflamed, rash). There are round or oval red scaly patches, often less red and scaly in the middle or healed in the middle. Lesions are usually asymmetric and it is often unilateral. It is frequently aggravated by sun exposure. It may presenta as kerion (fungal abscess).

this is tinea barbie not tinea faciei
this is tinea barbie not tinea faciei

What should we care if we have tinea faciei?

It is essential to look for and treat tinea infection elsewhere (look at the feet, groins, and nails) and in a suspected zoophilic infection, identify, isolate and treat the source animal.

Look at these dermatology question for your upcoming exams. 

Tinea faciei pathophysiology?

-Tinea faciei is the name used for infection of face with a dermatophyte fungus(T.rubrum)

Clinicalℹ️:round and oval red 🔴(less scaly in middle) scaly patches Acute(Sudden onset and rapid spread),Triggered by sun ☀️ 

Read how to differentiate tinea from acne vulgaris here. 

What is treatment of Tinae faciei?

✅Terbina,itraconzole, fluconazole

Here is dose and route written for treatment of Tinea faciei:

  1. Cap Itraconazole 100 mg PO BD 4 weeks OR
  2. Tab Itraconazole 250 mg PO OD 6 weeks (upto 12 weeks for onychomycosis) OR
  3. Cap fluconazole 150 mg once weekly upto 6 weeks
  4. Oint clotrimazole or terbinafine or  Ketoconazole luliconazole or miconazole nystatin or topically one to three times a day 
  5. Antihistamines like ceterizine, fexofenadine, levoceterizine or ebastine 
  6. ketoconazole soap can be used.
Please make sute the liver function is intact before prescribing aboven=mentioned medications.

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